Report on your Action Project
The Report is NOT part of your Project. When you have finished your Project and presented it in a scrap-book, poster display or video presentation, you can look back on what you have done, and what you have learnt, and ONLY THEN write up your Report in the booklet provided by the School.
Your Report will be in five parts:
1- Title – 3 marks (1 page)
The title should give a clear idea of the action that has been taken. Include the key concept the project is related to and the main activity you undertook: e.g., ‘A questionnaire on people’s attitudes to asylum seekers in my area’.
2- Introduction – 7 marks (1 page)
Give three reasons why you chose this particular Action Project. Explain which key concept the project is linked
to, and the class it arose from in CSPE.
3- Activities – 40 marks (3
Page 1 (10 marks)
You should list and briefly & clearly
describe all the different activities done by the whole group.
Page 2
(15 marks)
Give a detailed account of ONE particular task which you started
and finished.
Page 3 (15 marks)
Identify the different skills which
you used in doing this task, giving a detailed account of at least two. The
skills areas are Identification, Analysis, Communication and Action.
4. Summary of Action Project – 20 marks (1 page)
In the
Summary, you should outline what sort of facts and information you found out
about the topic of the Project.
You can include a presentation like a
graph etc, from your Project.
Include the findings of ALL the
5. Conclusion – 20 marks (1 page)
The conclusion
should reflect your own views about the Action Project.
Give reasons
for arriving at this conclusion.
Make sure that your views reflect the
Human Rights and Social Responsibility dimensions of CSPE.
Explain how
what you have learned could change you for the future, particularly the way you
might act.
to top
You should use the Project to practice the following
Skills which help you to
collect information
- Letter writing, telephone calls
- Using computers,
sending e-mail
- Surveying, asking questions,
Being able to use the
information you collect
- Collating, sorting
- Analysing
Practicing & developing the skills of
- Reflection
- Group participation, discussion,
- Designing, planning, presenting, publishing, reporting
- Role
play, acting, miming
- Listening
Being able to
do something about what you believe in
- Political skills, like voting,
decision making, debating, leadership
- Social skills, like hosting,
liaising, negotiating
- Other skills, like fundraising,